Haywood Rd. WAXON map-2.png

Haywood Rd. is a pretty special little slice of Asheville. I call it “downtown for locals.” Truly, we can get everything we need in West Asheville. It’s a great neighborhood for long urban hikes as well as the laundromat, post office, library, all in the same few blocks.

As someone who’s lived here (on and off!) since 2004, I can honestly say I avoid going downtown whenever possible. It’s packed with tourists, the traffic and parking are awful, and there are a growing number of chains taking up store frontage that used to be purely locally owned small businesses.

Now of course, downtown has so many awesome local shops that I adore (Malaprop’s, Earth Guild, Spiritex, Rosetta’s & the Buchi Bar, The Crow & Quill, Heiwa Sushi, etc) but you know what also has scores of locally owned businesses (and not a single chain store, not one)? West Asheville!

We even have our own Small Business Association and a hashtag #onhaywood.

All up and down the street, I’m surrounded by locally owned shops and restaurants, run by people I’ve gotten to know in the 2 years since WAXON became a West Avl storefront. Next to me on either side are two couples that own their own shops: a toy store on one side and a upscale gift boutique on the other. Across the street from me are just dozens of amazing small businesses & restaurants. And all the way from one end of Haywood Rd. to another, are folks who care about the same things I do: keeping it local, keeping it in community, and looking out for each other.

What are your favorite West Avl stops? I can’t choose between 9 Mile, Biscuithead, Second Gear, and the library (for real. I’m there a lot).


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